Allow to set 9 different breaking zones over the loom shed. Minimize yarn stress due to tension picks.
Reduce loom stops in the long run.
Is suitbale for fine, medium and coarse weft yarns.
All functions granted by ATTIVO.
The presence of a rake allows management of higher tensions range.
Keeps the avarage tension consistent avoid fabric width changes.
Reduce waste by keeping selvedge constant. Lockable display avoids undesired parameters change.
Save tension settings and upload them in future production runs of the same article.
All functions granted by TENS.
The presence of a rake allows managament of higher tension range.
All function granted by B-RAKE.
Manage average tension on a selected braking zone.
Recommended solution for filters, anti-hail nets, screens, monofilament.
Integrates TENS and ATTIVO
Functions in one product.
ATTIVO grants the manipulation of the single tension curve through different percentages settings over up to 9 zones over the loom shed.
TENS moves the ATTIVO support to keep the pre-set tension constante on the long run.